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Find Senior Living Facilities Near You

About Us

Senior Living Facilities is not just a platform but a commitment to ensure quality care for older adults. Our primary goal is to assist families and individuals in finding the perfect senior living communities tailored to their individual needs. We understand the nuances of senior care, from medical care to daily activities, ensuring that every older American feels a sense of social connection in the chosen community. Whether you're looking for an independent living community, an assisted living facility, or even in-home care, our platform showcases a variety of senior living options to match the unique needs of every senior.

How it Works


Start by entering your location to find senior living facilities near you. Our expansive database covers senior communities in all 50 states of the U.S.


Assess various senior living communities, from independent living communities to assisted living facilities. Compare the level of care, activities offered, medical services available, and more.


Once you've found your ideal senior living community or assisted living facility, connect directly with them or with our skilled team for personalized guidance.

Senior Living Facilities Available for all 50 States


Each senior living community we list offers a range of services, from medical staff ensuring physical health, activities that foster social activities, to supportive services tailored for special needs such as memory loss. Our aim is to ensure a supportive environment for every senior, matching them to the right level of care, be it in private apartments, senior apartments, or even single-family homes.

"Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole individual" -
Maya Angelou

Independent Living for Seniors

Senior Housing

At Senior Living Facilities, we offer unmatched services in showcasing senior housing options suitable for those who want more independence. Whether it's senior apartments overlooking golf courses or communities with common areas to foster social connections, we ensure you find the right fit for your loved ones.

Senior living Blog

Stay updated with insights into senior care, the benefits of in-home care versus residential care, tips on choosing the right assisted living communities, and more.

September 19, 2024

The Best Senior Living Facilities in Warm Climates

Welcoming Warmth Benefits of Warm Climate Senior Living Warm climates offer numerous benefits for seniors seeking a senior living facility. Best Senior Living Options in Nevada for 2024 Firstly, warmer weather reduces the risk of cold-related ailments, such as pneumonia and arthritis flare-ups, enabling residents to spend more time outdoors. Secondly, ample sunlight encourages vitamin […]

September 18, 2024

Veterans Day: Honoring Seniors Who Served

Introduction to Veterans Day in Senior Living The Significance of Veterans Day Veterans Day, observed annually on November 11th, stands as a powerful reminder of the courage, sacrifice, and dedication of the men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces. This day, rooted in the armistice that ended World War I, […]

September 17, 2024

What Defines Luxury in Senior Living Today?

Introduction to Luxury in Senior Living Exploring the Evolution of Luxury Senior Living The concept of senior living has undergone a significant transformation over the past few decades. From the basic care facilities of the past, the industry has moved towards creating environments that not only cater to the health and safety needs of its […]


Frequently Asked Questions

What are senior living facilities?
Senior living facilities are specialized housing options for older adults, designed to cater to their individual needs, whether it's assistance with activities of daily living, medical care, or social activities. These facilities range from independent living communities, which offer minimal support and are largely for those who can manage daily activities on their own, to assisted living communities and skilled nursing facilities, which provide a higher level of care and medical services.
What differentiates senior living communities from retirement homes?
Senior living communities often offer a broader range of services including social activities, physical therapy, and health care services, while retirement homes are typically more residential.
How do I choose between an assisted living community and an independent living community?
Your choice largely depends on the level of care needed. Assisted living communities offer more hands-on care and support, whereas independent living communities are for those who can manage daily activities without much assistance.
Do these senior living facilities offer medical services?
Yes, many of our listed facilities have a registered nurse on-site and a medical staff to cater to the residents' health needs.
Are transportation services provided in these communities?
Most senior living facilities offer transportation services for medical appointments and social activities, ensuring residents maintain an active social life.
How do these facilities handle seniors with chronic health conditions or memory loss?
Many communities offer specialized care, like memory care options, for seniors facing chronic health conditions or memory loss. Their staff is trained to handle specific needs, ensuring quality care.